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Town Hall Application Format

OOCLY Information:


In-Game (IGN) Name:


!* [ Main for reference only: _Washu_ ] *!






Now - Feb: GMT+3

Feb+ : AEST/AEDT (depending on daylight savings cycle)


Describe your Activity (both Minecraft and Discord):

Discord is almost always active honestly, its just whenever my phone is around me and I see a notification. So, consider it almost always apart from when I’m asleep.


Minecraft activity is high, I’m sure you have seen me around quite a bit because I’m on vacation rn but once i'm back in Uni (Feb), I’ll have a very small decrease in activity but will have absolutely no problem meeting the total 30 hour requirement of activity for this faction


Links to All/Any Current and Past Faction Applications:



Do You Have a Working Microphone?

Yea, but, won't be able to use it till Feb as I’m visiting my dad for the summer (summers are a lil diff in Australia)


Are You Able to Join VCs?

Yes, just not talk until I’m back in Australia (Feb)


Do you Understand That If You Break Any Player or Faction Rules You Are at Risk of Being Punished?

Sir yes sir, No GangRPing for me :^) (on the account 3pl_ according to your rules) 


Do You Understand That You're Expected To Be Dedicated and Active On Your Town Hall Character if Accepted?

 SIR YES SIR! I’ve been a lawyer on SRP, I really enjoyed the Town Hall fac. I don’t wanna do anything to jeopardise that. 


IC Information:

Tell Me Your Full Name, First and Last:

The name’s Tyler K. Woods. Tyler. Woods. The 'K' is a nickname, irrelevant.


Tell Me Your Age, and Date of Birth:

I bet I look quite young for my age, I’m 40 but… let's call it 39 alright? The big 4 makes me feel a lot older.

The date of birth is 1944, amidst the world war. Father’s gone cuzza it but died doing something important


What is Your Gender?:



What Is a Good Way to Contact You?

Carrier pigeon, finding me on the main street by the bus, or simply writing a letter to my address. The first wooden cabin on your right after taking the ol’ bus.


Tell Me About Your Degrees/School History:

I graduated schooling back in ‘62 with a series of straight A’s. Afterwards, pa took me on board his farm for a while before the ma’ and I could muster up enough cash to afford tertiary schooling. They wanted me to be the first educated Woods. Quite the honor if I do say so myself.


Toppa that, I attended this local institute for law school alongside a minor in linguistics… The linguistics minor didn’t last sadly. But hey, law is blind ain’t it? Not English, so to hell with linguistics.


Finally, passing the bar exam. First try, no sweat.


Tell Me About Your Work Experience, What Past Jobs Did You Work For?

As you know, I was but a humble farm boy in a city just west of here. A good walks away. Once getting myself a good education, I attended the incredibly prestigious law school of… well, it wasn’t all that prestigious, but I sure did learn a thing or two about law. That’s where I found my resolute desire to pursue the vocation of being a judge.


That’s where I attended my local court, granted the requirements were lower seeing as we were a small town in need of someone with practically any knowledge of our local legal system. I performed this occupation for a long time, it taught me important things about law, fairness, and the inability to trust instinct. Everything requires evidence, no matter what. But when proven, not even family or a child of mine can stop me from sentencing them with a guilty verdict. After all, the law is the law.


The statement ‘innocent until proven guilty’ will forever hold a dear place in my heart. 


What Position Are You Applying For?:

Judge, sir.


Do You Understand the Laws of this City? And do You Understand the Constitutional Rights all Citizens Have?:

Yep sure do, would hope they are upheld- or, guess that’s why I’m here isn’t it. To help uphold said rules.


Laws hold true regardless of the circumstance and the constitution must be applied like a blanket over a child. Nice and snug but covering all boundaries keeping ‘em nice and warm.


Good, Now Tell Me 3 Constitutional Laws From Our Constitution:

Firstly, this one here’s quite important and relevant to myself as a judge.

Amendment #8: No Unfair, Unusual, or Cruel Punishment


Secondly, yet another important and relevant amendment that all judges must be very well aware of.

Amendment #7: The Right to a Fair and Unbiased Trial


Finally, anything recorded on a police statement and spoken by the defendant can be considered criminal evidence.

Amendment #4: Everything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Justice and Law


I actually have a bone to pick with this one.


Tell Us About Yourself, What Makes You Good for Our Government?:

They call me unreasonable, cold, and irrational. All because I choose to uphold the law to a higher standard than anyone else. My old town was riddled with career criminals trying to turn me against the law. I’ve been offered thousands of dollars, life changing currency you understand? I’d rather live life without a guilty conscience knowing I let a repeat offender get away with something only to be indirectly linked to yet another crime. I didn’t work so hard to be associated with them. Rats.


I’m good because I’m honest, always. Even when the truth is hard to hear, people always appreciate me when they hear it - no one truly, deeply, likes being sugar coated.


Why Should We Accept YOU Compared To Other Applicants?:

I have an eye for the law. I like to keep things fair, just ask me a little about what I might do should I ever become a city-council member - which is in fact my goal, good sir. You’ll notice I have a sweet number of things I’d like to propose, some more urgent than others.


Although I also have an eye for uplifting the community as a whole, I guarantee this government could benefit with the presence of Tyler. K. Woods. Now you remember that name.


In Your Own Words, Describe What The Job You Are Applying for DOES For The Community:

Judges are the backbone of justice being delivered. They have the final say in a court case and whether an innocent man walks free or is unjustly prosecuted. Likewise, they are the first line of defense when it comes to keeping repeat offenders outside the city and behind bars.


There are duties outside the immediate courtroom such as approving non-guilty pleas, warrants, citizen build-permits. Furthermore, desk duties include handling adopts and player contracts as well as handing out government issued IDs.


Let's Say You Become a City-Council Member. Tell Me ONE Thing You Would Like to See Added To This City.:

I think very importantly, I would propose a slight BUT NECESSARY adjustment to the constitutions wording as it allows for a loophole and a breach of the basic constitutional rights of our people at East Falls.


I would most definitely suggest the rewording of Amendment #4. 



“No matter where it is said, when it is said, or who it is said to, it can always be used against the citizen in the case where it may incriminate them, provide evidence in a court of law”


Proposed change:

“No matter where it is said, when it is said, or who it is said to, it can always be used against the citizen in the case where it may incriminate them, provide evidence in a court of law, etc. Unless the conversation is legally recognized as a conversation between a lawyer and their client.”


Effect of change:

The effect of the proposed change may seem insignificant but is indeed huge. It would mean defendants are able to speak confidentially with their lawyer without the risk of being incriminated. This means even if someone overhears or happens to illegally record the conversation somehow, this amendment prevents it from being submitted as evidence in the court of law if proven to be a conversation between only a lawyer and their client via legal measures.


Additionally, less importantly, this city most definitely needs an events team institute. We need to keep our tight knit community familiar with one-another. Things like secret santa on Christmas and such to ensure our community all know each other very well as I’ve noticed when walking around this city is nothing like home. People don’t greet each other when walking down the street… It's quite sad.


That ain’t what community is about.


Are You Aware That Any Display of Biasism Towards ANYONE on the Job Will Result in Punishment?:


Yes sir, I provide quality services. No personal grudges nor any favours for family, the law is the the law. No questions asked.


Thank you for reading. Also ban Enderbubs if Ender rejects this.

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