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Lawyer Application | Weevl about 1 month ago

OOCLY Information:

In-Game (IGN) Name:






Describe your Activity (both Minecraft and Discord):

I would say that I am pretty active both on discord and Minecraft. I am usually the most active during  the weekends. I spend anywhere from 12PM-3-4AM online and active, however during weekdays I am not that active, with my hours being anywhere around 4/5PM-11:30PM.

Links to All/Any Current and Past Faction Applications:


Do You Have a Working Microphone? 

I do have a working microphone.

Are You Able to Join VCs?

Yes I can!

Do you Understand That If You Break Any Player or Faction Rules You Are at Risk of Being Punished?

Yes, I understand!

Do You Understand That You're Expected To Be Dedicated and Active On Your Town Hall Character if Accepted?

 I understand I have to be Dedicated! and I will be.

IC Information:

Tell Me Your Full Name, First and Last:

"My name is Mia Kilikina"

Tell Me Your Age, and Date of Birth:

"I am twenty-seven, with my date of birth being March 3rd of 1957."

What is Your Gender?:

"My gender is female."

What Is a Good Way to Contact You?

"My mailing address, with the mailing address being xxxxxx St."

Tell Me About Your Degrees/School History:

"I have completed my studies at the University of California, in Davis."

Tell Me About Your Work Experience, What Past Jobs Did You Work For?

"After of getting into the University of California, I had looked for a job around the area to earn extra money for tuition. I had acquired a job at a small coffee shop near the collage, where I had worked there for the entirety of my collage career. After I had finished with collage, I found myself working for a small law firm for around 2-5 years before leaving the state due to financial issues. I wound up moving to East Falls, studying to get my certificate to work as a lawyer here, which I ended up getting."

What Position Are You Applying For?:

"I am applying for the position of a Lawyer here at East Falls"

Do You Understand the Laws of this City? And do You Understand the Constitutional Rights all Citizens Have?:

"Yes, I have a great understanding of the laws within the state, as well as the city. The same can be said with the constitution, which I have vast knowledge from, however I am still learning and will be continuing to expand my knowledge of the in's and out's of the cities laws and the states constitution."

Good, Now Tell Me 3 Constitutional Laws From Our Consitution:

"Amendment 1: the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. With this amendment stating that all people, no matter who they are, can freely express themselves and voice their opinions freely."

"Amendment 5: All citizens have the right to remain silent when under custody of police or any government officials. Any citizen has the right to not answer or subject themselves to speak with the said police or government official."

"Amendment 6: Any and all citizens of the state have the right to request a lawyer when under custody. This allows the citizen to get the assistance they need when under custody."

Tell Us About Yourself, What Makes You Good for Our Government?:

"I want to help the citizens of East Falls to my fullest ability. I believe everyone deserves a chance at freedom, and I am willing and ready to help those in need of assistance when in danger by the law. I wish to use my knowledge and expertise of the law to the fullest extent to bring those to justice. As a child, my father was wrongfully convicted of murdering my mother, which he had to pay the ultimate price of spending his final years of his life in prison. However, the man who murdered my mother walked free of charge. Now, I have the ability to make sure that the incident that ruined my childhood, will never be able to happen again if I have the power to stop it."

Why Should We Accept YOU Compared To Other Applicants?:

"I believe in that everyone has the right for freedom. I use every once of my living to help them with their case, even if I am not certain I will win, I will always be resilient to the very end. I will make sure to fully understand their point of view and situation, in order for myself to make the best decision possible for them."

In Your Own Words, Describe What The Job You Are Applying for DOES For The Community:

"As a lawyer, you are meant to serve and help your clients, regardless of age, race, gender, or sexuality. You are meant to help your clients, and insure that they receive as much support and assistance as they need for them to get justice within the court of law. As a lawyer, you are also there to uphold yourself to the highest standard, which includes using your knowledge of the law to its fullest extent, as well as understanding the clients situation and perspective."

Let's Say You Become a City-Council Member. Tell Me ONE Thing You Would Like to See Added To This City.:

"I would like to see that every citizen of East Falls, knows their rights and have a better understanding of the law."

Are You Aware That Any Display of Biasism Towards ANYONE on the Job Will Result in Punishment?:

"I am fully aware that any display or signs of biasism towards anyone on the job will result in my immediate punishment, and I will be taking full accountability for my actions if I do so."

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