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Minecraft: YourAnxietyDemon
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How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:

A fair amount, I have taken medicine classes including CPR and have had a lot of experience being around hospitals, taken my own interest and being able to ask question to medical professionals about their job, details to injuries and how they work while getting a lot of advice and information on the human body and how it works. I've also done a small amount of my own research on things about injuries like broken bones, stab wounds and more but I continue to strive for more information I can get from wherever I can get it from.

I want to continue to learn more about what the human body can take or sustain. I also know basic first aid such as defibrillator, stitching and other similar minor things. If there is any way to learn more, I’d love to know where the information is and if anyone has more information, I would love to take it and do my own research.


Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:

1.  Stab wounds (Stomach)- Using a basic stomach stab for an example make sure firstly no organs were pierced, this can be known for increased sharp pain, fast heartbeat with firm or swollen abdomen. Once you’ve assured nothing else is damaged continue to keep pressure on the wound
And DO NOT REMOVE SAID THING. But for this we’ll say it was removed. In this instance you will take medical gauze and wrap it around your finger in order to keep blood inside the body and push it into the wound while still applying pressure to create a clot.
2. Bruising- This is basic from blunt force destroying cells within the body, this causes discoloration, blue, purple or brown coloring and swelling. To stop this has many ways but from a medical way, Ice therapy is commonly used which is to take a frozen or extremely cold pack and place it on the bruise for 10 minutes, then take it off for 20 and re-do this process one or twice.
3. Concussion- This is caused by severe blunt trauma to the head from any blunt object. Bat, pan, countertop, stomping etc. Symptoms can be nausea, headache, blurry vision or ringing of the ears. From a medical standpoint, it's important to look for slurred speech, delayed questions, dazed appearance. Treatment for this can include nothing but 24-48 hours of pure rest. Things like TV or video games can worsen the effect. There will be a set of constant head pain, but this is an easy thing to treat unless it happens repeatedly.

Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:

 I have a very big interest in the medical field and continue to strive for knowledge about it. I also want to help bring some realism into the server and help out more and make RP more interesting instead of a doctor just acting to fix them, do whatever is needed and send them out. Instead have a conversation because paperwork is a thing and it's nice to give people a breather from whatever they were in or a checkup. Many clinics try to keep a calm and relaxing atmosphere so that’s also a big thing. I want to help out in the community and start a reputation on the server in order to further know more people. My own interest is to watch the server grow and see more people involved in the medical side of Echoes since I find it so interesting.

Not only that but money and economy run a server. I'm curious to see how the medical side of Echoes works and what I can do to possibly make it better or a learning experience. Proving to people that there is more to the server than gangs running around stabbing each other and that people should be careful because if you get stabbed then you can’t walk it off or bandage it yourself because you know basic first aid.

How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:

 What I would first do is either private message them or if they are in range type in LOOC that either this isn’t how this works, or their character wouldn’t be able to do that due to this extent. I’d make sure to stay polite and not start an argument, if they continued. I’d simply message a staff member and ask to confirm what they are doing is wrong then let them know what happened. I think it's a priority to keep things civil, regardless how much you want to scream, shout and call people insults because either they don't know the rules or aren’t aware what they are doing is against them. Making sure that things are realistic, and people are not being superman and breaking out of the clinic to stab someone after their hand was taken off or something.

Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.

/me Victor would start by examining the person’s wound and start by applying extreme pressure to it while he tried to slide a try of clean tools which were nearby and take a set of medical gauze to soak up and clean the wound. Once able to see the cut clearly, he would start by applying an anesthesia mask to the patient. Once unconscious, he started to wipe the wound with disinfectant wipes and cleaned up any more blood that leaked from the slice as he took a hooked needle and disinfected slim thread and started to stitch a lock stitch suture into the deeper layers. Slowly and precisely making his way up to the top layers. Each layer forcing him to remove the hooked needle and use a clean new one while he slowly closed the skin. Once he was finally done, he took another disinfectant wipe and cleaned the blood around the surrounding area and wiped it down. Setting the bloody tools into a cleaning bin. Then let the patient wake up while he took off his gloves, mask and threw them in the trash and prepared to clean up.

/me Examining the person's hand he found their pointer finger to be dislocated. He spoke calmy regarding it "I need you to count to 3 okay?" He counted along with them until it reached three in which he tightly held the middle of the finger and applied enough force to push it back into place after a harsh shove. Once he was done, he spoke out to them again "It's a dorsal dislocation, you'll need a splint for three to five days in total. Come back on the fifth day and I can make sure nothing went wrong. You'll feel welling and a harsh pain for a while but nothing that an ice pack can't fix." He turned grabbing the necessary items to make a medical splint and slid it onto the dislocated finger itself and set it so it could not move, then taking bandages he wrapped it to it could not slide of right or left and kept it tight enough to stay on but not enough to stop blood flow to the finger as he spoke up "All done, be safe. Come back for any questions." He flashed a semi-forced smile before they left, then turning to fix the area and make it nice and tidy.

Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):

During this time, Victor grew up in a small town, born to parents who were both well-known psychologists; they were always away. On tour, vacations, giving advice to rich people who clearly didn’t need it or news stations and publicizing books. Leaving Victor to whatever he wanted. Mostly to books, their books. In time it gave a sort of loathing about their ways of parenting, but he was top of his class. Never picking up bad hobbies like most but instead focused on what his parents wanted, a strong-minded person who could do their work. Specifically in the medical field. But he remained alone for a majority until college with little friends and only family or some random babysitter once or twice when his parents got done with his attitude.

Victor was lucky to get his parents to pay for college. A very big college, mainly known for its medical and wide variety for “gifted kids’. Victor hated that but still enjoyed his dorm with no roommate until a kid came to his door who he immediately thought was so happy for his own sake. Weeks and months went by as they grew close, both the opposite of the other. While Victor preferred to stay inside, drink or rarely go to parties. His roommate chose to talk to every person, professor and student he could find. Yet they matched each other well. They were considered close friends, both top of their class in the same medical field. Until his roommate dove into the supernatural. Ghost, ghouls and what not. Victor found it ridiculous considering both of them agreed to physical worldly things, but he wouldn’t give up. Even making a thesis on the matter, victor only wanted to know why. His thesis was to prove the capturing of a ghost. He stayed out, got short with people and took along some of Victor’s habits such as staying up late at night, eating less and giving obsessive symptoms. Soon seeing less and less of his best friend.

He spent time in college collecting his certificate for EMT and an associate degree in fine arts. His time working there was quiet, parties and nothing else exciting happened. Seeing his best friend less and less now he opted to refer to him as ‘roommate’ was farther from what he felt but it was more appropriate than what he would call him. A college party had caught Victor’s attention after he was done with homework. Choosing to maybe get out he went. The party was loud, too loud and people stared too much. Near 1:30 Am.  It happened, a murder in one of the rooms with a guy running out. He and his friends went on to give their statements but after months of searching, Victor went for a walk in the forest nearby. It was late, a common habit of nightly walks while he heard struggling and a yelp. Rounding a tree, he found his best friend plunging a kitchen knife into a classmate’s chest. A trail of blood from a failed escape, the cynical and psychotic look in his eyes shot daggers at Victor while he stared.

He was always quiet when stressed, which gave the idea he knew what he was doing, even if he didn’t. A struggle ensued which led Victor to attack. Punches flew; blood trailed with both having several slashes. Once Victor got a stray branch, he was able to win. But it didn’t feel like winning. It felt like he was no better. In a split second, the man he thought couldn’t hurt a fly slid out a gun and shot three times into his chest. A cold, warm feeling dripped from his chest. Vision blurred as he fell. A faint voice sounded panicked but on the other end was a smiling murderer. As the police came. Victor was hauled away on a stretcher, later locked in prison. Victor had gone to court and was found innocent only because the lawyer was able to be quick to say it was self-defense. It was, but it was too close for his liking. After he went on to get his bachelor's in medical research. He spent weeks in therapy to overcome a sort of anger he got from the situation, one of those feelings that won’t leave no matter how long you try. A sense that there was something else, or someone else. Could go back and finish the job he started. His therapist suggested moving to East falls for its relaxing area and roomy and nice people.



“My name is Victor Vale.” 


 “I’m 24”

Phone Number



A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.



An EMT certificate, and a copy of a Bachelor of Medical Research was put in a folder labeled



What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:


Why do you want to work on our team?:

I’ve had a passion for the medical part of the world since I was young. Not only because my parents are very well-known psychologists but because I have my own interest in the research of medical practice. Anatomy along with neurology both have been a specific interest of mine and I started researching it myself when I was 14. I was given tours and extensive research like ride-alongs of an ambulance, tours of hospitals, and extracurricular activities. I suffered when in college because a friend of mine was not medically checked on as he should and I feel I should make up for that by helping others to the best of my ability.

Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions:

 Intern at Kingston Hospital in New York

Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?:

 We should behave respectfully, I'm not saying be soldiers and wait in silence for our entire time working but have enough respect to not play with medical tools, goof off and make a mess of the clinic while we work. I don’t mind a bit of relaxation when the clinic is slow but once a patient needs help, I feel we should behave on our best behavior and be respectful to patients and people alike. Working together is an important part and if there is no communication then there is no clinic, just doctors in an office. Making sure to know co-workers enough to ask for help, tools and other things should be a priority on everyone’s list. No matter who makes you mad or offends you, everyone should be civil regardless of if you are friends or just acquainted with each other. If for some reason myself or someone else is not acting as such, it should be our job to either remind each other or simply check ourselves in a few ways. What if a patient walks in on this? Would the director approve? Should I be paid to do this? Probably not, those kinds of questions should be one of the ways to make sure everyone is safe and acting accordingly to the environment we are in as clinicians. We are not only representing ourselves but the clinic and the director.

What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:

I have taken several tours of hospitals, ride-along in ambulance companies and given an opportunity to watch a surgery during my college times in getting my bachelor's in medical research. I was an intern for the Kingston Hospital in New York.


What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:

Mainly serving the community but other than that, I would say being extensive in my medical knowledge and if not then to learn from anything or anyone around. Making sure that everyone gets the same and best treatment for their ailment and furthermore doing my best and not slacking off. Giving bad treatment to patients who are rude or giving good treatment to patients I like. I believe in unbiased treatments. I am responsible for keeping myself and others safe, and if any mistakes are made to bring it to the attention of the Medical Director and the patient themselves and learn from those mistakes as best as I can. Being vigilant in whatever comes to be treated and knowing how to treat it with efficiency and precision is also a responsibility I am willing to uphold. As well as the reputation of the clinic both on and off duty. Regardless of where I am, I will give the best representation of the clinic both in private and public domains.

How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:

Being calm and composed, calmly explaining that I cannot help a person and that other people within the clinic need quiet time is important and to make them understand that if something is wrong with them, I cannot help them correctly. I think conversation is key to communicating with patients and getting the narrative that if you move around I can and will make a mistake which can make whatever is happening worse or cause a new issue. Making sure a patient and I have a stable quick trusting relationship is what could make or break a clinic visit and what might worsen whatever ailment they have. Or they can try to be as quiet and still as possible, so we don't have to be in the same room. Regardless of if a patient doesn’t like me then doing the same can get them out quicker. If a relationship of trust is broken, then I will have to make promises and regain that trust which is extremely hard if the person already doesn’t like me.


The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”

Victor Vale

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