Preferred Name:
'Shu, average'
Age (optional):
Why do you want a business on Echoes: 1984?:
You see, the biggest reason's that I wish to work for the business district of Echoes: 1984, is that I wish to enjoy a calm server experience with me and my fellow server members what's a better way then being a shopkeeper? Making a fun and memorable experience for my fellow server members, I wish to let people to develop slowly within the server one of that, is to have conversations. As a shop owner I will enjoy subtle conversations with multiple customers/server members. To enhance the sense of roleplay with me and my fellow members is not just the only part, I do wish to become a shop owner due to me once owning a shop on this server (before it changed names.) I had owned a grunge type of store, but due to the sudden change I had lost my place as a shop-owner, which is why I will apply once more as a shop-owner.
Business Discord:
What will your business sell and/or do?
You see as a book store, we will be selling books, comic books, baseball cards, and some records and film tapes. Due to the small selection of items that we will sell, our business will have multiple type of items to help our business out. For film's I'll try to choose type's that people loved in the 1980's, for baseball cards I'll personally research and find all about cards people used to buy, as well for books I'll dive into the lore of the server and make some great books. Though for comics, baseball cards, and film tapes, I'll need a model for these type of items.
Provide the lore of your character, and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
It was in Chicago, Illinois. Shu was reading a bookstore, as she had always done, to her books were something very important to life. She enjoyed chatting with the workers, while she listened to the radio. Her family, who owned the book store kept nagging Shu. Shu knew, of course, that this was the day she was moving, moving to a new state. Around this time, Shu wanted to follow in her parent's footsteps and enter the business world. Not much to say about that, soon she was already packed up, she took the tickets from her parents and headed off to Wyoming.
Shu having made it to Worland WY, had carried her heavy luggage around while asking for help with directions to find her decently sized apartment. Once she had made it to her apartment, she had opened up a book not even putting away her things first. Being the lazy slob she is, she kept reading and reading. Until she had noticed it was nearly midnight, she looked through her window to see a beautiful moon. Once she had seen that, she had then started to write, writing about her own book. The book that she had been making for ten years at this point in time. Shu while having a block in her writing still wanted to write, yet her head said to not. It was only a few sentences before she stopped writing.
In Worland, she had failed multiple times to publish her book, which was hard for her mentally. She had given up for this town, as she had packed her stuff, and bought a train ticket. She didn't know which town she was going to, yet she picked randomly. Withing this train, she had met someone reading a book. She started interacting with the man until the man introduced himself as an author. She started asking questions about how he became an author in the first place, her emotions raging on with a passion. She was like when she was a teen, inspired again. Until she calmed down, with eyes looking around at her, she asked where the train was headed. The man chuckled while smiling at her. 'We are headed to East Falls.' She looked confused, never hearing about this town. But accepted where she was heading to, like she accepted her life.
The moment she stepped off the train, she found a location to use for a business. To try to publish and find a way to sell books, trying to not become the lazy slob she was before. Shu had wandered and found how little this place even had for books, she wanted to use her knowledge to help and bring this town some sort of reading.
What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC?
Well, firstly I'll start with the message, "Hey, can you please stop causing trouble? I'll have to contact staff if you do cause more trouble." They will have the standard of three warnings, if they do still cause trouble I'll have to contact staff. In the mean-time, I'll try my best to not let the person cause trouble.
What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC?
It depends really, if a person disturbs customers, I'll have an employee warn them. If they insist on doing the act, I'll have to ask them to leave, and have them escorted. If it's something more severe like damaging property, I'll firstly notify law enforcement. Then while the law enforcement are on their way, I'll have to try to get them to stop. Once the law enforcement are here, I'll ask them for the person who damaged my property to pay for the damages.
How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello! What will you be getting today? *The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer.*)?:
"Good Morning/Afternoon." The Worker would give a subtle nod, as a greeting. "How can I help you?" The worker would would click the register to get ready to help the customer.
thanks alot