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emiTYgreenS - Lore App about 1 month ago

Preferred Name:

 Markus or Emity.

IGN (In-game name):



 old__red (there are two [2] underscores)

What are you applying for (lore/event)?:

 Lore, though I feel quite confident in my ability to run events, should it be required of me.

Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:

 It is to the benefit of any community-ran project to have a large number of opinions and ideas circulating throughout. At risk of sounding pretentious, I believe I could adequately contribute to this flow of creativity due to my writing ability. Up to you folk to judge.

How do you think our current writing could be improved?:

 Everywhere, and you would be counted as pretentious to think otherwise. There is not a section I do not believe needs improvement. 

A good place to start would be the article 'Wisteria Forest.'  Frankly, it is poorly written and could do with a complete rewrite. I will list off a few of my gripes in bullet-point format.

- Overuse of ellipses. It leads to a horrible flow when reading.

- Dialogue seems stiff, especially with the psychiatrist. It is understood that he's utilizing 'Therapist Speak,' and thus sounds overly professional, but whomever wrote this failed at giving him any ounce of emotion, especially at the beginning. Moreover, this 'Therapist Speak' is rather uninspired.

- "They were speaking in tongues, talking about a failed experiment, abnormalities... It all made no sense." A portion of dialogue, spoken by the man who seems crazy, thirteenth paragraph. To speak in tongues is to "utter words or speech-like sounds," which would imply a sense of incomprehensibility. Yet, this man understood them. He describes their manner of speech as unknowable, then tells Saint exactly what they said. What are we meant to believe they sounded like, then? It's poor wording.

- "Just saw a murderous cult in the forest, better go to my therapist!" - Every person in this town. Why did nobody go to the police?

- The man at the beginning feels much too insane. Perhaps that was the attempt, but it falls rather flat in my opinion. It feels as though the intention was to make him seem crazy, but not over the edge. A simpler way of putting it, it feels like the intention was to make it seem like there was truth in his words. The way he's written makes him seem like a schizophrenic, and sets up for a sloppy transition into the rest of the town's sightings. Instead of making the possibility of there truly being a secret cult (which I believe to be the goal), it simply makes the other townspeople look just as deluded.
Credit where credit is due, the ending allows the reader to make their own conclusion. Is it a cover-up? Is it just a deliriant? But the bit at the end ultimately falls flat. It seems like a last-second decision to explain the hysteria, an attempt at explaining the why, whether that be in-universe through Saint or by the author himself. It doesn't feel earned, it's simply stated. No buildup, just 'it's a deliriant.' You immediately give it an answer, whether a cover-up or not.

Ultimately, this is a pretty okay story. It's not exceptional, but keep in mind I only pointed out what I dislike about it. There are things to praise, from the uniqueness of the idea, to the quality of the last few paragraphs. I seek not to demean with my critique, but to show my ability as a writer, because as writers, we need to tell one another when we do something that isn't of high quality. We need to know when to speak up and correct grammar, or prose, or execution.

I hope that this was an adequate explanation for what I believe needs to be improved.

Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works: Just one example. It's all I have on hand at the moment.

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