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findouticly Art Player
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Minecraft: findouticly
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Preferred Name: findouticly

IGN (In-game name): findouticly

Why do you want to be a member of the Artist Team on Echoes?:

The main reason to join the Artist Team with my specialization in 3D Modelling is the fact that I'm very interested in 3D Modelling and working in 3D Software's altogether. Recently, I've found out that working in 3D software's like Blender and Blockbench is one of my talents. I've been working in Blender for the past 3 months and with the help of some amazing people, I've gotten better at it. Recently I've even gotten interested in making models in Minecraft using Blockbench. If I were to get accepted, I'd have more chances to get better with working in those software's, as they're pretty similar, and I could use this chance of getting accepted to f.e. get a job in a company, and start making some money due to the fact that I will be able to put everything that I've done here into my portfolio, and provide it in an application to a company.

What type of art do you specialise in? For example, 3D models, pixel art, etc...
3D Models

Please put images here of your portfolio:


In-Game (IGN) Name:



Describe your Activity (both Minecraft and Discord):
I'd consider myself a pretty active person on the Discord server, on Minecraft I didn't have the opportunity to be active yet, as the server has only released today. I'm actively sharing my creations on the art channel, and I wish to apply as a media member soon.

Links to All/Any Current and Past Faction Applications:

Do You Have a Working Microphone?
Yes, I do.

Are You Able to Join VCs?
Yes, I am able to join voice calls.

Do you Understand That If You Break Any Player or Faction Rules You Are at Risk of Being Punished?
Yes, I fully understand.

Do You Understand That You're Expected To Be Dedicated and Active On Your Town Hall Character if Accepted?
Yes, I fully understand.


Tell Me Your Full Name, First and Last:
Dallas Halstone.

Tell Me Your Age, and Date of Birth:
I am 48 years old, and I was born on November 14 1936

What is Your Gender?

What Is a Good Way to Contact You?
You can use my fax to contact me.

Tell Me About Your Degrees/School History:
I studied high school in the local high school and got my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Doctor of Jurisprudence in the University of Mississipi.

Tell Me About Your Work Experience, What Past Jobs Did You Work For?
After passing the Mississipi Bar Exam, I started my career as a public defender in Memphis and worked there for 5 years. I was assigned cases of all kinds; small claims, homicides, white-collar crime... The most interesting case I handled was over a dispute between defendant A. T. and prosecutor H.A. The prosecutor, my client, sued the defendant for financial compensation over emotional damages because the A.T. , a local shoemaker, made a faulty belt which unclipped on it’s own while worn by H.A. in a busy street. It led to his pants falling down next to his clients and he was embarrassed. He sued for 10.000 USD, I managed to win the case. After my fair share of being a public defender, I got hired by Finley & Associates, a law firm focused on representing “criminals”. I represented local, known gangster and managed to get most of them acquitted from their charges. I worked there for around 7 years, then moved to East Falls. I took the state’s Bar Exam and passed without any issues, continuing my work of being a “criminal” lawyer.

What Position Are You Applying For?:
I am applying to become a lawyer.

Do You Understand the Laws of this City? And do You Understand the Constitutional Rights all Citizens Have?:
Yes, I do. I can pretty much recite a summary of them by memory. 

Good, Now Tell Me 3 Constitutional Laws From Our Consitution:
- Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition, states that citizens are free to speak their mind, live their religion, protest and form NGOs. Though, it does not protect them from being prosecuted if it’s incriminating or illegal.

- The Right to Self-Defense, states that all citizens have the right to defend themselves with retaliation to any form of assault done on them. Though, they can only use their body to defend themselves and cannot escalate the fight or continue it later on.

- Everything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You In a Court of Justice and Law, I prefer calling it “Miranda Rights” for short, states that anything incriminating said by a citizen no matter when, how, to whom, where can be used in a court of law.

Tell Us About Yourself, What Makes You Good for Our Government?:
I strongly believe in using my talents to help others access the law — and to do so with justice and integrity. I want to use my skills to help anybody who needs justice no matter their background or situation. I listen to my clients, learn about their individual situations, and fight hard for the best result possible. I take a compassionate, comprehensive and solutions-oriented approach, and am dedicated to making a difference and leaving people in a better place than I found them. I’m dedicated to using

Why Should We Accept YOU Compared To Other Applicants?:
Because not only do I have the legal skills necessary to do your work, I have a true passion for fighting for someone else. I am focused on empathy and understanding during the process so that my clients feel listened to and supported and informed through the legal process. I am conscientious, detail-oriented, and determined to achieve the best results possible, and that extends into the most complicated matters. What makes me different is; I balance excellent legal analysis with a human-centered approach, ensuring that the people I serve are more than just statistics, but actual human beings with complex needs. I am committed to leveraging my talents to make a difference and instill trust in the community.

In Your Own Words, Describe What The Job You Are Applying for DOES for the Community:
One of the most important jobs, is what I consider a lawyer. A lawyer is the person you first contact when you've got a problem with the law enforcement - if you're placed under arrest and you suspect that the arrest was placed illegally and that what they're suspecting you of doing is not true. A lawyer can help you with getting out of problems with law enforcement, he's basically a person who you can tell what happened, and he will try to help you as much as possible. Of course a lawyer doesn't take care of only placed arrest, he also takes care of other situations like lawsuits against other people and other things.

Let's Say You Become a City-Council Member. Tell Me ONE Thing You Would Like to See Added To This City.:
I think the City would benefit if some sort of a recycling program would take place in the city. As of right now, I see a lot of trash around the city, for example behind shops and buildings.

Are You Aware That Any Display of Biasism Towards ANYONE on the Job Will Result in Punishment?:
Yes, I understand fully.


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