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kashkill Player
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Minecraft: kashkill
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Minecraft Username : kashkill

Discord Username : kashkill

Time Zone : Central Standard Time

Previous Experience : None

Protfolio :

Why do you want to join the artist team : I wish to help the server going as well as making my 3D modeling skills better

Skills and  Tools : Block Bench

Availability: 4:00 through 10:00 my time

Community and reputation: I'm pretty active in the voice chats

Other Info: None

Preferred : Kash

ING (In Game Name) : kashkill

Why do you want be a member of the build team on Echoes:

I wish to help this server grow and expand it's map. I'm a quick learner and I work well with others. 


What do you think could be improved of the current Server's builds:

So far I liker the way the builds are I really want to improve my own building skills by working with the other builders on the team. something I do think could be improved is that there aren't that many shops I know there under construction that's why I want to become a builder so I can help.

(the image won't stay)



Preferred Name: Kash

ING (In Game Name): kashkill


Why do you want to be a member of the building team on ECHOES?
I've seen most of the builds so far and there truly good but I fell like I could come up with some idea's to add on the the current and future builds. It's always better to have more hands on deck as well.

What do you think could be improved on the current server's builds?
As I have seen most of the current buildings are under construction. I'd help extend the look and give it that country vibe that i get from the current build's

Please put pictures of your portfolio

A simple log cabain

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