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Preferred Name: oxy

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I am nineteen years old.


Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:

  1. Respect for Civil Rights: The officers are expected to watch for the rights of the citizens, such as the right to remain silent, unlawful search and seizure as defined in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. 
  2. Use of Force: Officers must always avoid using force except as a last resort. Such ongoing confrontations shall be de-escalated in every instance, and in addition, the police must never consider using excessive force as a viable option. 
  3. Duty to Intervene: If an officer observes another officer engaged in any such illegal activities or the use of excessive force in executing their duty, the officers are raised to take immediate action and intervene without hesitation. 
  4. Chain of Custody: Law enforcement officers must ensure the continuous and appropriate chain of custody during the collection and examination of evidence. Only then will such evidence be satisfactorily received during court proceedings. 
  5. Equal Treatment: Every officer must conform to the law and must respect all people's rights and dignity; discrimination due to race, gender, or other distinguishing characteristics, and any form of discrimination whatsoever, is abjured. 

Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?

I strongly believe that the police faction in Echoes has great potential for growth and evolution and I am excited about being able to play a very important role in its evolution. The faction stands at the threshold of great opportunities for advancement, laying a strong foundation for expansion and improvement. I am very excited to be part of this transformative journey and look forward with great enthusiasm to bringing my diverse skills and steadfast commitment to catalyzing the growth of the faction. With my contributions, I hope to increase the visibility of the faction, nurture a stronger team dynamic, and ultimately elevate its influence within the community to unprecedented heights.

What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?

Upon accidentally breaking a law, I will simply state that what I did was a pure mistake. Accept my fault for how it was unfair, along with how it shouldn't have happened. State a genuine apology to the person for my act, and redo the whole interaction with the knowledge of not making the mistake again, if the person was available to do so.

If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights) what would you do/say?

When the person begins to insult me OOCly for not following common law, I will simply reread the server rules. When I have done so, and have been able to see where exactly I was at fault, I will approach the situation with a calm attitude and tone, and explain to the person that it was my fault and that I accept full responsibility for it. Giving the person a simple but direct apology, afterwards asking if they would like to redo the situation correctly.

What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:

At the moment of an arrest, the first thing to do would be to read to the person the Miranda rights; this is for the purpose of making them aware of the crime they are accused of in as calm a state as possible. It is important to thoroughly document each and every aspect leading up to the arrest, and to carefully log and preserve all relevant evidence for smooth prosecution. After these necessary steps have been taken, the individual will be escorted, in strict accordance with procedural rules, to the nearest processing facility. The individual will be safeguarded in the whole process, therefore their rights will be duly respected and upheld. 

This lengthy process will serve to ensure a fair and smooth passage of the entire issue through the legal system and the promotion of transparency and due process, which are ultimately indispensable to guarantee that everyone involved in the action gets treated equally. 

If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?

When I encounter an intoxicated individual, I will be keen on their behavior and mannerisms for any signs of intoxication or carrying contraband. I will be proactive and initiate conversation with them, asking specific questions to further assess their state. If a closer investigation is called for, I will take immediate action, such as conducting field sobriety tests or setting up drug screening.

Moreover, I have the duty of public safety on my conscience, for which I make sure that guidelines and protocols are followed in each interaction. It is about being cautious with the well-being of a person and ensuring that others in the surrounding areas are safe. By being professional and vigilant, I will surely protect the person's interest as well as that of the community.

If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?

In a scenario where the person I am communicating with does not want to reveal their identity and I do not have any probable cause to suspect them, my action would be to apologize politely and exit the conversation gracefully. Since there is no probable cause and no authorization or relevant information, it is important to deal with the situation tactfully and diplomatically. It is important to recognize the boundaries that come with the lack of appropriate rights and information and, as such, politely leave it at that without insisting on details or identification without legal grounds. Through this recognition and respect for the boundaries, I try to ensure ethical practice and that interactions are conducted appropriately in line with legal and ethical guidelines. This approach is not only an act of integrity but also one that respects the rights and privacy of all parties involved. In such a situation, marked by ambiguity and without a concrete basis for interrogation, it would be most ethical and pragmatic to take a graciously apologetic stance while exiting the situation with tact.

If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?

In case those involved refuse to respond to the request for identification upon reasonable suspicion, it would be my responsibility to try to make them understand the legal requirement of the presentation of such documents. If they continue to refuse to show identification, then it would be my duty to carefully follow the laid-down legal processes to the letter. This would include properly noting down the likely reason that warranted the original request for identification, as well as accurately noting down their eventual refusal to cooperate. 

I would then, under the law, be duty-bound to do what was necessary to continue the investigation or, depending on the circumstances, to effect the legally permissible detention action. I would make sure that all necessary documentation is thoroughly and accurately completed by meticulously and methodically following this course of action, thus upholding the standards of legality and safeguarding the integrity of the investigation process.

Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words
(maximum 2,500)

Struggling to cope up with her teenage years in Lima, Peru. As she was raised by her grandmother, Rosa, after the mysterious disappearance of her parents, Rosa was a battle-scarred woman who had endured untold hardships. Having suffered enough, she impresses on Benny the significance of family, loyalty, and hard work. The wise counsel of her grandmother notwithstanding, she found herself not quite fitting in. During her teenage years, she rebelled against the rules of her grandmother's home, crossing, at frequent intervals, the threshold into the alluringly dangerous world of the streets. Falling in with a rough crowd, Benny began skipping school and participating in petty crimes. And the anger she held towards the world for putting her in that situation only solidified her determination to show she was independent.

While Benny was actually an innocent victim of betrayal, the moment of betrayal occurred when her friends turned against her during a car theft. Admittedly, it was a very bad moment for Benny. That was probably why she felt so abandoned or so betrayed when she found herself in a very cold cell. That was when she came across Officer Maria Cruz, well recognized due to a close relationship with Rosa and also a well-known augmentation when it comes to helping troubled youths. With an instant recognition of the pain and confusion inside Benny, Maria opened bits of her own transformation into becoming a police officer. Maria's words of change for her life seemed to lessen the frown on Benny's face and gave her a ray of hope for a change.

After Benny was released from juvenile detention, she understood that to go on ahead; she had to change her company and friends. Maria helped her a great deal, encouraging her to take charge of her life and make a significant leap in her transformation. It was a new lease on life-all hope and enthusiasm.

Benny, now endowed with Maria's belief that she was capable of achieving the unimaginable, turned around the focus of her life now completely on her education, for she now knew that education would act as a means for her better tomorrow. She pictured police work not merely as a livelihood opportunity but a noble cause through which justice could be advocated, and changes could happen. With great strength newfound in her mind, she initiated her enrollment in some criminology courses, thoroughly enjoying the depths of criminal justice and acquiring a fascination for it.

The love for justice, compassion, and community service found a fertile ground in Benny's heart. With a strong affirmation, she felt it her duty to make the world a better place, not only for herself but also for those like her who had been equally victims of the system's whims. Thus arose her desire to fight for reform and bring in an era with fairness and compassion at its heart.

While pursuing her studies and doing practical work, Benny was growing ever closer to her local community. The idea of establishing justice made her happy given that her contributions had been meant for the greater good. Commencing from her enthusiasm to perfecting her commitment to service, Benny's qualification journey stood in profession to become a saga reflecting resilience, redemption, and the magic second chances cast.

In her early twenties, Benny, along with her grandmother, took a momentous decision of migrating to the U.S. and settled in the little welcoming town of East Falls. This marked the commencement of a new chapter of Benny's life, an opportunity to shed the shackles of her tumultuous past and pursue a future that is vivid with promise and opportunity. Here, in the beautiful streets teeming with friendly faces, Benny's dream blossomed, as she continued into a steadfast and passionate commitment to law enforcement. With the reflection of the inexhaustible confidence and love she had received from Maria, in the hope that she too could lend a hand in giving someone a second chance, just as Maria had done in her own life. With a vast repertoire of experience both personal and under the indelible influence of her grandmother, Benny swore to devote herself to the noble cause of serving and protecting others, thus ensuring that she would never forget the call and diligence it required for one good-hearted officer to be able to steer someone away from a darkened and potentially perilous road.


A short message would be here. It read, 

“Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.”

“My full name is Benny Maria de los Angeles Tudela y Barreda López de Amézquita, but please, to keep things short and simple, I prefer to be called Benny.” 

Age: “Currently, I am twenty-four years old.” 

(HS Diploma, GED, etc.)

“Following and obtaining my GED, I enrolled in a community college, where I began my educational journey with the intention of pursuing a career in Criminal Justice. My associates degree laid a solid foundation upon which my future studies rested. I couldn't help but want to learn even more and transferred to a university, where I devoted myself to their programs. I was very proud of graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice within the university.”

Why do you want to be an officer for our community?

“My main reason for wanting to join as an officer for this community is because I want to be a contributing force of strength by ensuring the support is there to render strength, safety, and conflict resolution in a trustworthy, respectful manner. As an officer, I would strive to protect every day those who would need it the most and to ensure that our neighborhood is a place where people will feel secure and cared for. I’m ready to uphold the law and do everything possible to serve and protect the community.”

Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?

“No, all of my training and teachings have not been taught at this academy, but rather in another community college and university. Although, despite me already being taught, I wouldn’t be against learning more again at the academy you guys offer.”

What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?

“As a police officer, I operate alongside fellow colleagues in crime-fighting and are anchored in assurance for the safety and security of citizens from harm and danger. The major two-fold functions of my duty include: day-to-day checks of patrol duty, combined with rapid response to emergencies. I assign duties for law enforcement and investigation of criminal cases. The other functions may include arresting suspects, preparing investigative reports, establishing a crime scene, and investigating traffic violations. I connect with the community, build trust, and resolve conflicts. I exert reasonable force, respect citizen constitutional rights, and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, I testify in court, manage evidence, and stay physically fit while being ethical and in constant training. It requires the resolve to adhere to professionalism and integral value systems that guide work and a commitment to protect and serve the public.”

Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?

Although I still have much to learn, the thought of being able to advance through your guys' staff hierarchy isn’t something I’m against. I still have much to learn on what it takes to become an honorable officer.” 

Another message was placed here: 

“Last question.. this one is optional:  what’s our real motto?:”

“The real motto for the East Falls station.. I believe it is to; ‘Serve and Protect.’ From what I’ve seen, and heard.”


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