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scenegrl Player
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Minecraft: scenegrl
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Preferred Name: Charlie


IGN (In-game name): scenegrl


Age (optional): 15.. sigh...


Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?: I would like to be a writer for Echoes as I find myself doing it for fun, I find it entertaining to make up little stories about things. I of course decide to do this to also help the Staff Team and help take a load off their backs. I enjoy helping others and so this would be great for me to do.


How do you think lore could be improved on echoes?: I think more detail could be added in, about stuff like how it happened, what happened to cause it to be like that etc. That detail can be almost necessary. Also certain vocab can help improve it, which I have a few ideas already of what to add to it.


Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:

Those are only some of my past works, enjoy!

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