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Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the US have to follow:

Officers are not above the law, meaning they must follow it as any other citizen does; however, there are some regulations that come with being an officer in order to ensure that they do not go overboard whilst performing, and to ensure the safety of other citizens. Some of these regulations include…


  1. Officers must use an equal amount of force when considering the crime that someone is commiting. For example, if someone is unarmed, or otherwise seemingly unwilling to harm the officer or another person, then the officer should not use lethal force to take down the suspect. 

  2. Confidential police information should not be leaked to the public. The reason for this is to ensure that information that publicizes the report of another person isn’t given out to anyone, otherwise, anyone affected by the report may be able to find out who made the report. Any leaked information may harm the reputation of someone, or worse, the well-being of another person.

  3. Law enforcement should consider the well-being and health of any person in custody. If any person who has been detained or arrested by law enforcement, regardless of how they were injured, they should seek medical assistance for said person immediately.

  4. No officer may participate in corruption. This is obviously to ensure that all laws and regulations by the state are followed, and that no officer is working outside of their boundaries.

  5. Officers must perform to the best of their abilities, and shall fulfill the law, regardless of their circumstances. The sole purpose of an officer is to uphold the law and ensure justice and safety for their population, so if an officer is unable to fulfill their duty, unless there is an extraordinary circumstance, they may be subject to punishment.


Why do you want to join Echoes’s police faction?

I’ve always aimed to join the police faction of any roleplay server that I’ve been a part of. Police work has always interested me, and by experience, has always been the most enjoyable part of any city-based server. After reviewing the circumstances in which the server provides in-character, I made the decision to apply to the police faction in order to roleplay as an officer; from what I understand, the server is mostly based on criminal activity, and I believe that participating in this roleplay as an officer would be the most enjoyable for me. Due to my experience, I can also comfortably say that I am familiar with roleplaying as an officer, and should be able to contribute positively to the faction, should I be accepted. In total, I've played as an officer for about three years when including other servers (on and off Minecraft), including positions as a higher-up and detective.


What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you in OOC?:

Regardless if it was an accident or not, my character broke a law (unless I had failrp’ed or broken another server rule, leading to this result). Therefore, I shouldn’t argue with whomever is trying to do so with me, not only since it would only stir drama and be a waste of time, but because they’re also right. Whatever happens from then on should proceed in character.


If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights), what would you do/say?

The only thing that I should do is to tell them to keep it in character. Since my character broke a law in character, it should be kept as such. Anything that happens from then on should also occur in character; if the player continues, or has already said things that I took offense to, I should inform a staff member.


What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:

In the event of an arrest, whether the purpose is for an arrest warrant or something that happened onsite, the officer should begin by hand-cuffing the suspect whilst reading them their rights. Should the suspect resist, an officer may be authorized to use equal force (including the usage of pepper spray). After they’re handcuffed, an officer will be able to search the person’s pockets and/or other places accessible to the suspect in order to ensure that they have no dangerous belongings on them. The officer will be able to further search the suspect at the station, and take inventory of their belongings. The booking process may begin after this; booking includes the collection of the suspect’s DNA, fingerprints, mug shot, etc. Evidence and other statements will also be included in the booking process. After booking, the suspect’s background is checked, then they are placed in a holding cell. At this point, they are no longer the officer’s problem.


If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?:

Although the officer does not yet have probable cause to arrest nor search the suspect at first sight, they should carefully watch them for obvious signs of usage. The best way to treat this sort of scenario is with caution, as drug usage may lead to dangerous behavior; an officer should first ask simple questions to gauge how able they are to even respond, and remain alert for obvious signs of usage. An officer is allowed to request to search the person in particular, but they are also allowed to refuse unless a warrant is approved. If the officer deems that the suspect has been illegally using, then they would likely detain the suspect and follow the regular process, as well as request medical assistance for them if necessary.


If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?:

If I don’t have any probable cause to ask for their identity in the first place, then I shouldn’t have asked. I’d have to cope with rejection and move on, unless it’s proven necessary to learn the identity of this person otherwise.


If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what should you do?:

Unfortunately, the suspect would have to eventually identify themselves, regardless of the 5th amendment, and they would be informed of this by the officer. The least that they should do is state their name, so that the officer may run whatever they need to in order to complete the task at hand. They do not have to say anything else, however, to prevent themselves from self-incrimination. If they further refuse, then they could potentially risk themselves being arrested for obstruction of justice, and any further charges that may occur as a result of the situation.


Provide us with your character’s backstory.


Adam Ramirez is a man of simple, humble origins. He is not among those ridiculously created characters in which, throughout his childhood, he endured hardship after hardship. Instead, Adam Ramirez lived a peaceful life growing up, as any other kid might have experienced.


Born in Jackson, Wyoming at St. John’s hospital, Adam was initially the only child to his two parents, Seth and Olivia Ramirez. At the time, Jackson was a popular tourist destination, but not yet a dense suburban city as it is in the present day. He lived a normal, peaceful life in the mostly rural town. He attended school, and played soccer; as a matter of fact, he was an avid soccer player. He loved to play soccer, beginning in first grade, all through high school and college. He wanted nothing more than to make a living off of playing soccer, but no matter how much he played, and how good he thought he was getting, he was never given the opportunity to prove to anyone that he was capable enough of making it big. Regardless, this didn’t stop him; he didn’t have anything else to aim for, so he kept on playing. Even if he wasn’t the best, it still made him happy.


Adam Ramirez was never the most sociable kid, either. The only “friends” that he really had were his little brothers; Trey, who was born a year after him, and Bradley, who was born the year after Trey. The three were often referred to as delinquents by the other kid’s families, and often caused trouble during classes and on the streets. Stupid shit, such as throwing rocks at people riding their bikes, or placing sticks in front of people who were roller skating. Surely, someone who was a delinquent in his earlier years shouldn’t be interested in justice, or anything of the sort; but his redemption came after he picked on the wrong people. Adam and his brothers tossed around a poor soul, both literally and figuratively, and the interaction they had dug into Adam’s soul. It can’t be specified what was said or done that caused Adam to change how he behaved, but one day, there might be someone big enough to crack the shell. This is likely the event which paved the path for Adam to look towards justice, and for him to intend to uphold it. In high school, he joined the soccer team, and made friends with several teammates; although he never really got close to any of them, he’d note that all of them were essential for the path he chose to take. Even in high school, all he ever did was study, play soccer, and do stupid shit with his two brothers. The years which really began to change Adam Ramirez was when he applied for the University of Wyoming; he initially planned to study business, but ended up opting to know more about the human mind. During college, he met her.


In college, he played for the school’s soccer team. There was both a male’s and female’s soccer team, and they often practiced together, despite obvious differences between both team’s skill level. Regardless, neither team ever even made it to regionals, but this never bothered Adam. He played to have fun. Oftentimes, at night, he’d go out to the pitch just to kick the ball around, and that’s when she appeared. After one night, Adam Ramirez and a girl from the female’s college team would go back to the pitch every night and simply play by themselves for hours. They were an even match for each other, but not just on the pitch; it wasn’t long before they began to talk outside of their secret soccer matches, and they hit it off. They had a signature. One tally mark.. two tally marks.. three. He was the third one, and they stopped at that. Many nights were spent either on the soccer field, or in each other’s dorm room before they graduated. Adam graduated from the University of Wyoming with a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1981, and proposed to his then-girlfriend the same summer. They moved in together and lived together for three years after college, eventually getting married sometime during that period. Adam moved to East Falls in 1984 with his wife in search of greener grass and a new life together. The stones were all in place.


His backstory is short, and even this is a nutshell of it. There’s too many meticulous details to include, and it’d be boring and insignificant to elaborate; but there’s still questions that yearn to be answered in character. What changed him? Who is she, and why isn’t she known? Does he still seek glory in soccer, even as an adult? Or will he be satisfied in his position to protect & serve?





Adam Ramirez.






Bachelor’s in psychology; I studied at the University of Wyoming from 1977-1981.


Why do you want to be an officer for our community?

In terms of this community, specifically, I had a lovely conversation with someone who worked at the clinic and learned a little about the situation of the town. I understand that crime is a large risk in this town, and I wish to become one of those who enforce the law, and ensure safety for the people who live here. Although I don’t know anyone here, I obviously wouldn’t wish danger or harm upon anyone. If I can make a difference in a small town like this, then I’d be happy enough.


Broadly, I studied psychology when I was in college in order to further understand people, the way they behave, and the like. My end goal with this level of understanding was to one day become one of those who participate in the justice system; although it wouldn’t be my job as an officer to evaluate whether someone is guilty, nor to evaluate why they did something, but I believe I can make a difference within the justice system as an officer. The best place for me is within the police force, due to my studies in college and understanding of how police work is conducted.


Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?

No, I have not been trained or taught at your police academy.


What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?

An officer’s duty is to simply uphold justice and ensure safety wherever they are assigned to, unless ordered otherwise by a higher-up. This includes the law, basic human rights, and to act as a role model for any citizen; meaning that they, too, must follow the law. As I previously stated in this application, I believe that an officer’s job isn’t to judge whether a person is guilty or innocent of something, but to ensure that justice is enforced. They should act unbiased and as fair as they can be to their civilians, maintaining order to ensure that nobody is treated unequally, and that everyone is given the same chance as another person.


Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?

If I am selected to advance in the hierarchy, I wouldn’t refuse. However, I wouldn’t believe that it’s necessary in order to ensure that I can properly fulfill my role as an officer.


Another message was placed here: “Last question.. this one is optional.. what’s our real motto?”


If it isn’t “Protect and Serve”, then I’d hope it’s something similar.




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