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x4Autumn Player
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DENIED | x4Autumn 3 months ago

IGN: x4Autumn


Preferred Name: Autumn 


Discord: ilikefood04


Age (optional): 20




Why do you want a business on Echoes: 1984?: I'd like to use the chance to own a business via Echoes: 1984 in hopes of gaining not only experience within the faction, but the ability to draw attention to said business and create a safe environment for those interested to want to hang out!

Business Discord: https://discord.gg/6GWcV7hjWt 

What will your business sell and/or do? At 'The Monarch's Feast' there would be a variety of foods and beverages sold whether it ranges from full-on meals to deserts, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages! 'The Monarch's Feast' would be created in hopes of creating an environment where guests can hang out, enjoy a meal, drink and create new bonds with other people among the town. To keep guests occupied, there will be pool tables available for use and bar accessibility for anyone of age, of course!


Provide the lore of your character, and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):

Annalee Porter, a fairly young American woman with pale skin, light colored eyes and beautifully long blonde hair standing at 5ft 3in grew up as an only child. Throughout her studies, she gained an interest in owning her own business one day. After a lot of effort and interest within her schooling, Annalee Porter had come to the conclusion that she needed to put herself out there while doing what she loved most, making others happy!  She hoped to be given the opportunity to create an environment in which guests could come in, enjoy a meal, maybe even a drink or two! She'd do her best throughout her studies in business management hoping to create a bright future for herself and to put a smile on the faces of those around her while doing so.

When Annalee Porter was younger, she hadn't many friends, so she'd tend to keep to herself and do what she sought interest in. She'd fear the idea of being judged. Her interest within the business community all started when she learned what her father had partaken in, culinary arts and business management! She saw how much her father had enjoyed his career, that she decided "Hey, maybe I should try something similar!" and so she did. Annalee Porter enrolled herself into a program for culinary arts and business management just like her father had, which focused on both technique and creativity. Throughout her time within the program, she developed her own style in business and her voice as a chef. While being a part of this program, she'd spend loads of time at high-end restaurants in hopes of bettering her skills and opening herself to more, better experiences. Annalee Porter wanted to create a restaurant of her own, something in her own style, a place where families could get together for dinner, listen to some nice music, maybe even a live band to brighten up the night! 

After graduating from the program, Annalee Porter spent her time working as a sous-chef at a well-known restaurant named 'The Modern Diner'. While devoting her time there, she was able to look over management and ownership methods to better inform herself for when it became her time to start her potential business. A year or two had gone by and Annalee Porter believed that she was ready to go off on her own. Using the money she had made from her time at 'The Modern Diner', she'd take a huge leap and open her own business in a town named 'Echoes' and named it 'The Monarch's Feast'. 


What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC? If someone were to stumble into my place of business to cause trouble OOC, I'd take screenshot evidence so that there is proof and no false accusations can be made and then proceed to inform someone apart of the Echoes: 1984 Staff community in hopes of having the issue resolved so that it does not begin to effect the experience others have within the business. 


What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC? If there were someone entering my establishment to cause trouble IC, I'd simply state that the behavior is unacceptable within my business and if they proceed, I'd intend on having them escorted out.


How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello! What will you be getting today? *The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer.*)?: In hopes of creating a happy environment, the guests would be greeted with the upmost respect possible: "Salutations and welcome to "The Monarch's Feast", how many will be dining with you today?!". Guests will be greeted at the door, ID'd because there is a bar on premises, and then seated wherever they so desire. 

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