Preferred Name: Nala / Rila
IGN: sanriu
Age (Optional): 18
Discord: chwained
What are you apply for (lore/event)?: Lore Team
What do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:
I honestly want to assist in the writing. I've noticed it’s lacking members. However, the work is still wonderful considering the fact I’ve seen how the server originally was going to play out when ownership was passed. It’s a genuinely good concept and I like the idea and I’d love to help contribute to it.
How do you think our current writing could be improved?:
Currently, it’s fine, I wouldn’t change about it but I would change the amount of people working on it. When I say that I mean get more people writing because it’s hard on one singular person or a small group of three. You’re working on something that will continue to develop meaning, other branches of it will open allowing there to be more exploration and creativity with the writing itself.
Give us a few examples or portfolios of your past works:
[HOLLOWED VOWS] A Lotc post I wrote for a character I was developing.
[VEIL OF DOUBT] Another Lotc post I wrote for the same character!
[THE KING SLAYER] Another Lotc post
[Reporter Application for Echoes]
Last edited: 15 days ago x 2