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sanriu Reporter Player
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Preferred Name: Nala / Rila

IGN: sanriu
Age (Optional): 18
Discord: chwained
What are you apply for (lore/event)?: Lore Team

What do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:
I honestly want to assist in the writing. I've noticed it’s lacking members. However, the work is still wonderful considering the fact I’ve seen how the server originally was going to play out when ownership was passed. It’s a genuinely good concept and I like the idea and I’d love to help contribute to it.

How do you think our current writing could be improved?:
Currently, it’s fine, I wouldn’t change about it but I would change the amount of people working on it. When I say that I mean get more people writing because it’s hard on one singular person or a small group of three. You’re working on something that will continue to develop meaning, other branches of it will open allowing there to be more exploration and creativity with the writing itself.

Give us a few examples or portfolios of your past works:
[HOLLOWED VOWS] A Lotc post I wrote for a character I was developing.

[VEIL OF DOUBT] Another Lotc post I wrote for the same character!

[THE KING SLAYER] Another Lotc post


[Reporter Application for Echoes]



Preferred Names

 nala, rila

Age (Optional)




Motivation behind applying:

 To be honest, I like journalism in real life, so it's something fun to me in my time as well. I also like the idea of roleplaying as a news reporter and reporting stories about incidents around the city, from paranormal to violent and gory instances.

Punishment History on Echoes 1984:


Backstory 150 words minimum, 2,000 maximum: 

 Fana Hailu was born to a family of four being the youngest daughter and last-born child. She was rather spoiled but also given tough love rather frequently. Watching children's shows wasn't much of an option instead it was only educational shows that would benefit her and make her some sort of genius or that's what her parents hoped she'd become. In a way she was extremely smart, however, no genius being told from a young age she'd become a genius affected her ability with others. For a while when she was younger she viewed herself as better than other people until high school when being smart wasn't exactly something many people thought "cool" at the time. So that was a habit she broke out of rather quickly, changing her personality in some ways to appear dumb in some instances. Graduation came rather quickly to her as if it were all a blur school wasn't hard at all.

Now all she needed to do was get by in college, graduate, and make her parents proud. Then to secure her future by working in a news station as far from her family as possible. Of course, she loved them but they didn't allow her to be a child and she believed moving to a different town would allow her to live that out in some way. Possibly by accomplishing her childhood dream of having a place of her own. Not long after she graduated she saved up enough money, given the fact she had been working a simple diner job and had an allowance. It wasn't very hard to get a place of her own and moved to East Falls. 

Do you understand if caught plagiarizing or using Ai in your application you have a chance of being blacklisted from the faction?

 Yes I Understand

Do you understand if you receive 3 strikes for any reason you will be removed from the faction?

Yes I understand

In-Character Section


Name: Fana Hailu


Age: 20


What qualifies you as a quality reporter:
I can accurately convey stories to the public without releasing names while making them appear unbiased. Despite that, my stories are always genuine and one of a kind, I tend to get first-hand looks or speak to people first before anything to make sure the story is correct I even take time to connect the dots and find out who's lying between stories if possible. I was also a Journalist Major during my time in college and graduated with a bachelor's degree.


What are you most interested in writing about?

 Particularly the paranormal or the gory gang violence which happens around the city frequently. It's interesting to report stuff like the injuries many have suffered in the city in such a short time. it's fascinating to me how the underground world works and sometimes I just become curious as to why they even fight so often and why they fight as if the authorities don't exist.

Write a short example of what you can do; an article of 100 words minimum, 500 maximum :
The Gang Violence within the city of East Falls has increased over the months drastically. Many lost hope for the crime rate dropping soon, and police have officially given up on trying to stop the violence. Parents fear for the safety of their young boys and girls who walk to take the bus to do other mundane activities such as shopping or fishing. Fearing their young teens may get caught up in a gang fight. The police have made an effort to assure parents civilians are protected and nothing will happen to them. However, they still patrol East Falls attempting to protect the general public from crime at least, breaking up gang fights whenever they're near the public vicinity. 

However, a gang war has seemed to spark between the two major gangs of the city the Santarossa family and the Rykari Family. The reason for this fight however is unknown, no one is honestly sure what sparked it to get this far. Even many of those apart of the family are unsure themselves. As a reporter, I seek to question and try to find out to inform the public of such violence or gossip so they're aware of what occurs in their city. Thankfully, we were able to secure an interview with one of the Santarossas and this is what it entailed.

???: "In truth, I think it happened because they're constantly provoking our family."

Fana: "By provoking you mean?"

???: "Actively picking fights with us, it's on a daily basis."

Fana: "Is that what you believe or what the family believes?"

???: "It's my personal belief considering I'm not entirely sure that's the cause. But it's just what I noticed.

It seems not even the families themselves or at least members, are aware as to why the war started. Until the two families come to convey, we don't think the fight will be ending anytime soon. As a suggestion to the general public,  ensure you all have some form of protection as death is always around the corner. You never know when your breath may be your last.

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