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DENIED yunglady's Sheriff's Department Application
yunglady Player
2 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

Preferred Name: Yung




IGN (In-game name): yunglady, Nalyija



Discord: nalyija

Age (optional): 19


Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:

Officers must always uphold the Consitution. Guaranteeing that citizens rights are not violated, ensuring that freedom of speech is not violated as well as due process.

Under no circumstance are officers allowed to deviate from the use of force policy. They must prioritize using the most minimal amount of lethal force. After all, an Officers job is to bring justice, not to make orphans and widows.

Officers have to respect legal procedures, such as informing a suspect of their Miranda rights and not performing illegal arrests or searches.

Officers are expected to always describe every single situation with detail and precision to guarantee some things are not taken out of context or misunderstood, all the documents, they must always have a clear explanation for everything they've done during an arrest, etc.

Officers can absolutely never racially profile anyone, no matter their religion, race, age or disabilities. Same as they cannot discriminate them.


Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?:


 On almost every Roleplay server I joined, I always was intrigued with Police Roleplay, but I have noticed that Echoes has a serious lack of Police Officers on its server, I would love to have the chance to join the team and perhaps even the odds between PoliceRP and GangRP, as right now there is about 5 gang members per 1 Officer, which I think is a very unfair balance, especially when Police here is much weaker than on other Roleplay servers. I was informed by two players that are currently Police Officers about this unbalance, their IGNs were Seagoddess & ThatOnePeKae. Another reason I would love to join Echoes is to be able to expand my Roleplay experience within the server, as I find it very promising within the coming future and I wish to be there for it while playing a part for it.


What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?:

I would simply admit that I was wrong for my actions and that I am completely fine with re-doing from a certain point if the player agrees, I would not try to escalate the situation by replying with other arguments, if the player persisted, I would simply tell a Staff Member about the situation and hope that it would get resolved fast with minimum consequences. Afterall, we are all here to have fun, no sweat afterall.



If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights)  what would you do/say?:

I would simply apologize and then read them said rights, I would not argue OOCly but mostly focus on fixing things ICly as I do not really want to have any OOC arguments over honest mistakes that can happen to absolutely anyone at anytime.



What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:


If it is from the very moment I'd cuff them then I would start by reading them their rights and then continue by taking them to the station, making a log about what crimes they are suspected of committing, take their mugshot, then I would take them into a questioning room and question them about the situation from their side and see if I can get a valid explanation, after getting everything done, I would also include the total bail.


If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?:


 I would watch them from afar to slowly confirm my suspicions to some extent, I would look for any obvious signs such as stumbling and tripping, after gaining such information, I would approach the individual and check them for any signs of illness and other issues, attempting to confirm any known problems that the said person has, if this would not be confirmed, I would resume my search, I would perform simple tasks such as checking out their pupils and having them walk around in a straight line, after that I would take them to the station, arrest them or fine them based on the severity of things, log said arrest and either release the individual if they only got fined or put them in a cell if they are to be arrested.


If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?:

I cannot do absolutely anything, I will simply walk away.



If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?:


If I had probable cause, I would search them. The fifth amendment protects against possible self-incrimination, but in most cases it does not extend all the way to the right to refuse identification.


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):


 Early Life and Inspiration


Taylor Lynn was born in the year 1951 in Boston, Massachusetts, her father was a Scottish immigrant that worked as a blacksmith and her mother was a School Teacher from Texas, which allowed Taylor to grow up in a household of good education, resillience and determination. Good discipline and a value for hard work quickly made Taylor catch an interest for physical challenges and an intellectual pursuit.


During her younger years, she was often seen with her father, managing to learn the basic skills of crafting and engineering. These skills combined with her mother's focus on education shaped her into a well-rounded individual. Her interest in the Military skyrocketed after spending her free time reading and learning about historical battles; specifically the Revolutionary War & Napoleonic campaigns. This cemented her future as a soldier.




At the age of 18, in the year 1969, Taylor finally enlisted in the US army. Her decision was strongly disapproven of by her family and friends, due to women often being oppressed within the army. This did not stop Taylor, her determination and skills of leadership quickly landed her a spot in a Special Forces training at Fort Bragg. Taylor exceeded all possible expectations, showing impressive skills in marksmanship, Guerrilla Warfare and Close Quarter Combat. By the time she finished her training, she was already estabilished as a person to be respected. Her male counterparts which originally did not believe in her, were now relying on her due to her strategic acumen and unwavering courage.


Green Beret Years


Taylor started as a green beret in 1972, making her one of the first ever women  to serve in such an elite unit. Her early missions mostly involved covert operations within the Carribean and Central America. Here is where she was able to demonstrate her ability to adapt to challenging areas and make critical yet effective decisions while under pressure of combat. Her style of leadership was mostly characterized by a balance of empathy and assertiveness, earning her loyalty across her team members.


Around this time, Taylor had met Sergeant Andrei Borodin, a Russian immigrant who had managed to join the U.S army to escape political persecution in his homeland. Andrei was a well-seasoned soldier with a keen sense of humor and loyalty. Despite a rough and strict start, things quickly eased up, allowing them to become extremely close friends. Their unbreakable bond was formed through experiences in high-stakes missions. Andrei became something like a mentor & confidant for Taylor, helping her navigate the complexities of life in the Army.




The twos friendship transcended their rank boundaries and background. Together, they managed to complete numerous missions, including hostage rescues and dismantling enemy supply lines and gathering intel on hostile locations. Andrei's expertise complemented Taylor's planning, making them an unstoppable duo.


In 1981, Andrei had retired from the army after serving for over a decade, his unexpected departure marked an era for Taylor, who was heavily relying on Andrei's guidance and camaraderie. However, their friendship remained, Andrei still serving as an advisor and sounding board for Taylors future.




In 1982, Taylor's skills and expertise caught the eyes of the Central Intelligence Agency, she was soon recruited as a Field Agent, a role that granted her the ability to leverage her military skills while expanding her knowledge of global intelligence operations. Her assignments in the CIA took her all around the globe, from the deserts of North Africa all the way to the jungles of South-East Asia, playing a key role in gathering much needed intel on up-coming threats, coordinating covert operations and building alliances with local resistance groups. Taylor's time with the CIA marked her as a fearless yet wise leader and operative.


Viper Company

In the year 1983, Taylor had decided to replace her CIA career with the ability to form her own PMC (Private Military Company), Taylor had wanted to go her own path, a path of no military bureaucracy. Further drawing on her extensive experience. Viper specialized in high-risk operations, such as conflict resolution, counter terrorist, hostage situations and security consulting. 


Viper had quickly gained a reputation for simply being professional and effective, attracting clients from both public and private sectors. Taylors leadership was the cornerstone of Vipers success. She handpicked her team, ensuring that the team had general widespread knowledge, allowing for max effectiveness in all aspects. Viper also soon gained a reputation for its ethical conduct and excellence. Viper because an extremely recognized PMC, known mostly for its ability to complete missions within such a time span that was previously unthinkable of, setting a new, very high standard for upcoming PMCs that would be extremely difficult to beat.


Challenges and Victories


Viper Company was disliked by a few governments and rival PMCs due to it being lead by a woman, but due to the success the Company faced, criticism was soon silenced. 

Taylor was also very much mentally exhausted and drained from all the work, luckily, during earlier years, she had managed to meet a woman called Dallas Lynn, soon managing to get together with said woman, further boosting her confidence and need to be effective.


Current Time


After a certain point, such mentally exhausting work gets to a person, forcing Taylor to take a very much deserved break from her military life, she took a very long vacation which she made she would spend well, temporaily moving to East Falls, Wyoming with Andrei and her partner. Allowing them to finally have some time for peace and granting them a chance to live their life, free from bullets constantly whizzing past their heads and constant exhaustion.


Taylor is obviously extremely excited to finally take a break from such a mentally exhausting lifestyle, but after seeing the scene within East Falls, she knew that her job isn't done yet, seeing such an overpowering amount of crime compared to the local force, she knew that she had to step in, hopefully getting herself a chance to try and improve the local issues.





A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.”





My full name is Taylor Lynn, obviously, I'd like being called either Major Lynn or Commander Lynn, but I'll be happy with Mrs. Lynn.





 I am currently 33 years old.


Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): 

I have a GED and I have a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice, it was mandatory for my time with the CIA.



Why do you want to be an officer for our community?:

I have had operations in horrible places, where there was a lot of crime, yes, those operations had gun violence, but I have never seen so much crime being committed in one day, and seeing the numbers of the local Force.. I have to admit, I am deeply surprised with how it's going here, but this has to stop. This can't keep happening. I will do what I can in my power to try and even out the odds, even if it means starting all the way at the bottom again. Law



Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?

I had teaching in an Alaskan Police Academy and some basic Police trainings with the CIA.



What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?

My job is to keep the city safe, to protect and serve the local citizens. I want to help and restore balance within East Falls, seeing such an insane crime rate motivates me to assist like you'd never know. I hate seeing people get hurt and killed for no reason, I will assist my co-workers as much as I possibly can with dwindling down these organizations and hopefully getting them to submit.



Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?

Yes, I wish to climb the ranks.



Another message was placed here: “Last question.. this one is optional:  what’s our real motto?:”


...Serve and Protect.


-𝒯𝒶𝓎𝓁𝑜𝓇 𝐿𝓎𝓃𝓃

Last edited: about 1 month ago
ImYakov Manager Mod Player
25 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

I appreciate the time you've taken to apply, but I've decided to deny your application. If you want further details you may DM me in discord @Yakkiakki