Please be reminded that this is not only for shops or dinners. You can apply to open almost any kind of business. For example, investigation agency, real estate, construction (building interiors and such), etc.. If your business will be able to pay its rent, then it's a valid business. Starting on January 13th, you may not apply for a business as a ‘front’ to an illegal business.
Preferred Name:
Age (optional):
Why do you want a business on Echoes: 1984?:
Business Discord:
What will your business sell and/or do?
Provide the lore of your character, and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC?
What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC?
How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello! What will you be getting today? *The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer.*)?:
Last edited: 3 days ago