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LORE | Wysteria Flower Document
SanrioRoll Manager Event Lore Player
16 posts
7 topics
about 1 month ago


Wysteria Flower

The Wysteria, is a rare blue flower native to the forests of East Falls. Known for its beautiful appearance and psychoactive properties, the flower grew in popularity in the late 1900's.



Late 1800s - 1900s : The medical Era

The flower was discovered by the founder of East Falls, who began to use it as a natural remedy. Lacking modern medical supplies, the flowers' hallucinogenic properties were used to ease pain, calm patients and induce sleep.


1920s - 1930s : Dry Sprout

As the flower's fame grew, it began too little due to overharvesting. Locals and visitors relied on the Wysteria too much due to its medicinal and psychoactive properties causing a decline in its population. The once flourishing flower patches were barren for several seasons, within those seasons, the people of East Falls were forced to find another form of medicine and a way to treat themselves. Nature reclaimed the forest only when human activity subsided, allowing the wysteria to regrow slowly. Conservation concerns began to emerge although not addressed within this time period.


1960s - 1970s : Hippie Subculture

The Wysteria became a symbol of countercultural movements, users seeking spiritual enlightenment and a deeper connection with nature. Hippies were drawn to the flowers due to its hallucinogenic properties and history. Most teenagers would sit in the flower patches despite the effects, growing a controversy in most parents and adults at the time. Rumors surrounding the flower began to grow, some claiming it helped distort time and allow you to see the unknown. With the numbers growing, Town Hall decided to fence around the area with a brief warning.


1970s : Mass Hysteria

A wave of paranoia set into the community about the flower through exaggerated reports of madness and supernatural encounters in the forest. Media and local authorities labeled the flower as dangerous, associating it with insanity and 'brain-numbing'. A controversial medical procedure was developed to 'treat' those affected by the flower's effects, though it was quickly deemed unethical and was abandoned after a few years. Public fear overshadowed the flower's history, pushing it into obscurity.


1980s : Forgotten in time

The Wysteria flower lies in its flower bed deep within the forest of East Falls, normally undisturbed. Those who stumbled upon it unwittingly experienced its hallucinogenic effects, keeping the tale of the flowers 'danger' alive. The plant continues to grow in numbers, infecting itself slowly across the town's environment.



All year around The Wysteria can be found in the forest. From the 1900's until now, the flower learned to adapt and survive in both cold winters and humid summers.



In the winter, the flower grows a wax coat to protect itself from any freeze or snow fall, as well trapping humidity within its stem and pedals. The coating reflects any direct sunlight to prevent further damage to its fragile state. Melting snow is utilized for a consistent water source as it may melt through the day. During winter, the flower slows its metabolic process while keeping its vibrant colors. The roots of the flower extend deeper into the soil to ensure moisture and insulation. With lack of pollen in the air, the psychoactive properties of the flower are trapped under its wax coating. Only with indigestion, the side effects of the flower would be reached. Extreme temperatures may stress the plant although its slow metabolism in dormancy ensures survival.



The flower is able to thrive in warm, humid air, absorbing moisture and nutrients from the forest's soil. Decaying organic matter such as fallen leaves and twigs helps to keep the environment fertile. The summer heat keeps the flowers’ pollen active, making its properties most potent during the season. Those who stumble across the flower patch will be prone to its components simply from breathing the air in. Naturally, in the flower beds the air feels thick to breathe in due to pollen. The flower emits scents to attract pollinators or curious animals, encouraging seed dispersal. Seeds become airborne as well, which results in the large flower patches that are able to sprout across the forest floor. Fungi assist in extracting water and minerals, forming a symbiotic relationship that benefits the grass patches.


Lying beneath trees and hiding by a low mountain side, the flower is shielded from direct sunlight, maintaining a stable environment all year around. The secluded location ensures minimal human interaction, allowing the flower to grow undisturbed. Wildlife activity around the patch is low, reducing the change of any accidental damage. With any visitors, if flowers are stepped on without pedal damage, their steam is flexible enough to bend and rise back to its natural state. Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures may dry out the soil and stress the plant.




The Wysteria flower holds vibrant gradients of deep blues, fading into a pearl white at the ends of its pedals. Darker specks line up the flowers, becoming transparent towards the shift into white. A metallic silver shines at the edges, reflecting off of light to cause a shimmer. 


The pedals of the flower are broad, curving at its edges as if it was originally meant to have a sharpness. They bloom symmetrically, normally growing pedals of 6 that layer each other. In the center of the flower, pistils sprout a light blue color, holding a dark bud at its end. The stem of the flower is slender and dark, staying strong to a muted green color despite the vibrancy of the flower.

Hallucinogenic effects and duration

The flower contains psychoactive alkaloids that interfere with neurotransmitters that alter sensory perception and time awareness, leading to vivid hallucinations.


Tier 1 | This applies to any character who has briefly been in the flower patches, inhaling the pollen in the area.


Onset : Occurs 10 minutes after coming in contact. 

Peak : After 20 minutes the hallucinogenic will reach its peak, growing more intense. 

Duration : The effects will last between 30 minutes and a hour without any lingering side effects 

Tier 2 | This applies to any character who stayed in the flower patches for a substantial amount of time, inhaling the pollen in the area.


Onset : Occurs 10 minutes after coming in contact.

Peak : After 20 minutes the hallucinogenic will reach its peak, growing more intense. 

Duration : The effects will last between 1 and 3 hours, lingering side effects include nausea and heightened sensitivity.

Tier 3 | This applies to any character who has ingested the flower or came in contact with oil produced from the flowers.


Onset : Occur 10 minutes after coming in contact.

Peak : After 30 minutes the hallucinogenic will reach its peak, growing more intense.

Duration : The effects will last between 8-12 hours but may leave lingering sensory distortions (mild visuals, heightened sensitivity) up to 24 hours.



Symptoms of exposure

Visual Distortions : vibrant colors, warping spaces, fractal patterns, shadows

Auditory Hallucinations : echoed whispering, melodic tones, overlapping noises

Disorientation : confusion about time, surrounds or people

Emotional Extremes : Intense fear, sadness or paranoia

Time perception : time perception can be extremely slow or fast

Physical symptoms : nausea, dilated pupils, mild tremors, incoherent speech.


[ Comment if anyone wants more detailing of the symptoms ]


Symptoms will grow more or less severe depending on what tier you are on and your character.


[!] Once/If medical help is sought, you are no longer suffering from any effects [!]

[!] If any authority forces your character to seek medical help, it must be taken. [!]

[!] While under the effects of the flower, in any fights your character is at a disadvantage. [!]

[!] No character is immune to the flower, only a tolerance can be grown to it [!]

[!] Do not abuse or over-use the side effects of the flower [!]

[!] Your character will face permanent damage, physically and mentally if exposed to the flowers on many occasions [!]




Written by @SanrioRoll

Photos taken by @Hexstrap


This document is not to be taken ICLY

Last edited: about 1 month ago x 7